The Good Huswifes Handmaide for the Kitchen: A Period Recipe Book
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Historical rabbit holes, for those who are inclined.
These slender booklets from Historical Management Associates are the work of an organization dedicated to historical re-enactment in the UK. They are written with a stickler’s attention to historical precision and a conviction that nothing is too arcane to investigate. Some of the books are simple transcriptions of period manuscripts; others represent significant original research, as in Cattle Farming and Grazing Management, which is 52 pages long but cites 36 sources, many of them published in the 17th century.
From the introduction and title page:
“This book is a transcription rather than a facsimile as the original is in a rather difficult to read Gothic script. Spelling and punctuation have been retained…”
For example:
“Manie principall pointes of Cookerie. as well how to dresse meates, after sundrie the best fashions used in England and other Countries, with their apt and proper sawces…”
Staplebound pamphlet. 72 pages.